We received this today from a frustrated Jeff Harris supporter:
To: Rep. Jeff Harris
From: Concerned Yellow Dog Democrat
Re: Use your surrogates!
Please accept this advice from a flea bitten, Yellow Dog Democrat that is suffering watching you give “Koster the Imposter” a free ride. I politely suggest that you start using your surrogates/endorsers to remind the Democrats (liberals, African-Americans, and labor -the base of the party) about Chris Koster’s record. Former Gov. Roger Wilson has endorsed your campaign! Governor Wilson has the stature and the respect from the Democrat Establishment to challenge Koster’s conversion. An endorsement from Wilson is pretty useless if he’s only a name on list of endorsers.
You should also call out Koster on his new found “Democratic values.” Mitt Romney and Chris Koster are similar in many ways, both lead in their respective fundraising races, but both are actually empty suites. As Romney’s sliding poll numbers attest, conservatives are unwilling to support or vote for someone who changes his positions on their core issues.
Governor Romney would have us believe he is a social conservative. Any freshman college student understands that a social conservative does not get elected in
In the case of Chris Koster, it is also common sense that someone with “Democrat values” does not get elected to a Republican Senate Leadership position. We ask what Yellow Dog Democrat is speaking up for Koster? Senator Jeff Smith? Representative Rodney Hubbard? Representative El Amin? Are they really willing to answer for Koster’s votes to cut Medicaid from poor African-American Missourians?
Are they willing to defend Koster’s vote to disenfranchise
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