"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Jackehammer: State Auditor Wrong or Lying, City of Springfield’s Finance Director Says, “Checks Not a Problem.” | Missouri Political News Service

Jackehammer: State Auditor Wrong or Lying, City of Springfield’s Finance Director Says, “Checks Not a Problem.”

January 14th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

RACHEL ANNE SEYMOUR/St. Joseph News-Press. Missouri State Auditor Susan Montee greets Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon.

From JackeHammer blog:

Will these unfounded recommendations never cease!?

In Checks not a problem, city officials say, Didi Tang reported:

“Contrary to a claim in the audit report that some checks had been outstanding for more than four years, Mannix-Decker said she is not aware of such checks.”

Interesting. the State Auditor’s office must have been mistaken or lying when they reported at page 63:

“The Finance Department has not established procedures to routinely follow up on outstanding checks. At April 30, 2007, approximately 60 checks totaling over $9,000 had been outstanding for more than one year. Some of these checks have been outstanding for over four years.”

I recently interviewed Mary Mannix-Decker, myself, for Community Free Press – Midweek regarding an audit recommendation: Read more…


MRP: Nixon’s Second Injury Fund Abuses, Ignored by Montee, Exposed in Report



Tags: Jay Nixon

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