JEFFERSON CITY _ Fearful of having to answer tough questions about his support for illegal immigrants and other uncomfortable issues, Jay Nixon has resorted to waging a news release candidacy that was on display yesterday when he hid behind spokesmen instead of answering questions himself about his politically-motivated immigration plan.
Nixon, who in the past never met a camera he didn’t like, issued a news release to tout the immigration “proposal” he copied from Arizona yet was nowhere to be found when it came time to answer questions that Missourians deserve answers to. Nixon’s invisible man syndrome is in stark contrast to Governor Blunt’s willingness to remain accessible to the media by answering tough questions in public on a variety of topics.
“Jay Nixon is engaging in a news release candidacy in which he doesn’t have to answer the kinds of tough questions that Missourians are demanding answers to. Nixon prefers to hide behind his minions rather than discuss his support for illegal immigration, his illegal use of state vehicles, his acceptance of campaign contributions from Ameren while he was investigating the utility, his secret taxpayer-financed settlement for discriminating against a quadriplegic, his political abuse of the Missouri Foundation for Health and his pay to play scheme involving the Second Injury Fund, to name just a few,” said Paul Sloca, communications director for the Missouri Republican Party. “While the governor is showing true leadership by publicly addressing issues important to Missourians, Nixon is cowering behind his taxpayer-financed office staff and his team of out-of-state campaign hacks.”
So back by popular demand, here is a list of questions released earlier this week by the Missouri Republican Party that Nixon fears to answer.
1. Nixon admitted one year after a 2006 audit of his office that he was using a taxpayer-funded car for personal and political purposes. Who in his office falsely “represented,” as Auditor Montee has said, that he was only using his state car for official purposes?
2. Missourians for Matt Blunt has pointed out that Nixon has proposed a more than three quarters of a billion tax increase in order to access federal dollars for his proposal to return to the old, broken Medicaid system that failed many Missourians. Why is Nixon proposing this massive tax increase on Missourians?
3. Nixon told the Dexter Daily Statesman that he would only campaign on the weekends but he got caught using a taxpayer-funded car for weekday campaigning and has continued to campaign Monday through Friday. Why did Nixon decide to break the pledge and promise he made to Missourians? Read more…
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