"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Funkhouser Gives Campaign Job to Wife | Missouri Political News Service

Funkhouser Gives Campaign Job to Wife

December 4th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

If your campaign committee treasurer has quit because they were under fire for reimbursements to your city employee wife, (cell phones, Chiefs tickets etc.) why in the world would you “temporarily” name your wife as the new treasurer of the committee?

It is amazing to us that a man who claimed to have “the ability to break down complex issues” can’t analyze what a bone headed move this was. Poor Funky! Here are MOPNS links to all the misfortune Mayor Funkhouser has experienced since his inauguration seven months ago:

Inaugural Extravagance (5/10/07)

K.C Mayor’s Chief Of Staff to Make $250K Salary (5/11/07)

Funkhouser’s Wheels (5/23/07)

Kansan In Charge of KCMO’s Incentives Policy (6/21/07)

K.C. Mayor’s Wife Calls Black Female Employee “Mammy”(11/12/07)Related:

Yael Abouhalkah: All Gloria, all the time



Tags: Kansas City · Mayor Mark Funkhouser

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