CDT Politics Blog:
The fight between the Club for Growth and Sen. Kit Bond, R-Missouri, is intensifying.
Earlier today, Missouri’s senior senator sent the Tribune this response to a “RePork Card.” The report was based on 15 different amendments, including one that would have funded the dumping of sand on San Diego beaches. Bond received a 13 percent rating.
“Tell Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was terrorizing Iraqi citizens and chopping off the heads of innocents, that the Litening Targeting Pod was congressional pork,” Bond said. “It was a Litening Targeting Pod, funded by a Congressional earmark and fitted onto an Air Guard F-16, that introduced Zarqawi to his maker.”
Now, the organization – which backs GOP candidates who support “limited government” – sent out a press release criticizing Bond’s response to its report.
The Washington-based group said Bond’s “defense of earmarks today is an example of what happens when public officials become desperate—they venture into the absurd:” Read more…
In this Club for Growth video, Sen. Bond is on the Senate floor defending earmarks for bicycle paths. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) offered an amendement opposing such earmarks.
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