By John Hacker
WASHINGTON – With national polls and media outlets talking about the fact that Americans’ approval of the job Congress is doing is at record low levels and still falling, the lawmakers representing Southwest Missouri say they believe Congress is doing its job and Missourians don’t share the nation’s opinion.
The Democrat representing our area in Washington, Sen. Claire McCaskill, said she believes Democrats had high expectations of the changes that would come with the Democratic take-over after the 2006 elections.
The Republicans who represent Southwest Missouri in Washington, Sen. Kit Bond and Rep. Roy Blunt, said they can work with Democrats, but they are disappointed that more legislation has not been passed by this conference and they blame the Democratic leadership in the House and Senate.
All three emphasized that working for Missourians was more important than working for their parties, and they felt that the cooperation between the parties that happens frequently in Washington doesn’t translate to the American people from the national media like it should.
“I’m not concerned about the polls,” Bond said. “I just want to make sure I’m serving Missourians well, and from the feedback we get, it’s positive.” Read more…
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