"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
“Angry Black Bitch” on NPR | Missouri Political News Service

“Angry Black Bitch” on NPR

November 2nd, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

The Missouri blogosphere’s “Angry Black Bitch” or ABB – as we affectionately call her here – has been getting a lot of national attention lately. Her blog is a daily read for us, we just don’t link to it very often because the language is very colorful to say the least. Don’t let the profanity fool you into thinking that this woman is not intelligent, it is certainly not the case. Although she is at the opposite end of the spectrum politically from us, her analysis is very witty and insightful.

Last month, she was interviewed on Michelle McQueen’s NPR radio show “Tell Me More” discussing the unique name and origin of her blog. This morning, she was asked again to appear on the show to give her views on controversial Don Imus’ return to the airwaves. Click here to listen.



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