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Blunt to Dems: Balance Budget Without Tax, Spending Increases | Missouri Political News Service

Blunt to Dems: Balance Budget Without Tax, Spending Increases

October 12th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — House Republican Whip Roy Blunt (Mo.) today cited the dramatic reduction in the federal budget deficit, which is $85 billion lower than it was last year, as clear evidence that reduced spending — and not increased taxes — is the best path to a balanced budget:

“One of my biggest frustrations with Democrats is their failure to understand that we can balance the budget without raising taxes. The dramatic reduction of our federal budget deficit is proof that we are well on our way to being back in the black — and we are doing it in a manner that doesn’t saddle hard-working Americans with a greater tax burden.

“But Democrats can’t resist scratching that all too familiar itch by increasing spending and expanding government. We’ve already seen this happen with spending bills that are billions of dollars over what the administration has requested. Read more…



Tags: Rep. Roy Blunt

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