From the 24th State:
Suitably Flip is doing the media’s job. Following the money trail, Suitably Flip has now found over $2,000,000 in Norman Hsu donations, and when Hillary Clinton releases her donor names, we could have Norm crowned as the new king of campaign sleaze, topping Jack Abramoff.
Those Democrats sure are competitive. William Jefferson is now the most corrupt Congressman ever, and it looks like Norman just couldn’t take the publicity that made Jack so famous.
For Missouri, the numbers for Claire McCaskill keep rising. I feel like I’m at an auction for how much money she’ll be giving back.
“$0, can you give me $18, $18, $18, can you give me $20.
20,20,20,got a bid here for $21,700. $21,700 is that my final bid?
$25,100 is the new bid! Read more…
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