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Steelman & UMB Financial Corp. Announce Launch of First Actively Managed International Terror-Free Equity Product | Missouri Political News Service

Steelman & UMB Financial Corp. Announce Launch of First Actively Managed International Terror-Free Equity Product

August 29th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

KANSAS CITY, Mo.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Missouri State Treasurer, Sarah Steelman, announced today the first time a “terror-free” investment product will be offered through a state college savings plan (“529” plan). The product, an actively managed international equity investment vehicle, provides Missouri college savings participants and investors across the country the opportunity to ensure that their portfolios exclude companies with ties to countries that support terrorism. UMB Investment Advisors, the investment division for UMB Asset Management, will manage the investment portfolio.

The product was developed in response to a growing demand for “terror-free” investment options. This was recently captured in a survey in which more than 85% of respondents to a national poll by the firm Luntz, Maslansky said they want to invest “terror-free.” The UMB product offering represents the first time such a “terror-free” portfolio has been productized and available for use by institutional and individual investors.

“I’m excited to announce that every person in this country can now make sure their investments are terror-free,” said Steelman. “The strength of our country has always been in giving the power to the people and today I am thrilled to make such an important way available to everyone who wants to save for their children’s future. Moreover, I am especially proud that one of Missouri’s leading companies – UMB – has stepped to the forefront in providing “terror-free” options to Missourians and all Americans.”
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