Contact: Antonio French
Friday, August 17, 2007 (314) 779-9958
ST. LOUIS State Representative Rodney Hubbard gathered with a group of St. Louis political leaders yesterday and called for the proposed Distressed Area Land Assemblage Tax Credit legislation to be amended to allow more involvement by community organizations; to add a requirement that developers must make their plans public before applying for the credit; and to shrink the amount of land a developer must assemble in order to qualify for the credit.
Neighborhood self-determination is democracy in action. And incentive programs that promote sustainable neighborhoods should, at minimum, protect the rights of neighborhoods and the people who call them home, said Representative Hubbard.
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The large scale of the proposed projects make it necessary to involve the people who live in these communities at every step of the process. The Land Assemblage Tax Credit should fully address the rights of stakeholders, said Hubbard.
Working together with my colleagues in the House and in the 5th and 19th Wards, with watchdog Michael Allen of Landmarks Association, and my neighbors in these areas most affected by the proposed legislation, I am planning to submit several amendments during next weeks special session to make this bill the development spark it can be, said Hubbard.
Hubbard reaffirmed his commitment to rebuilding the blighted areas of St. Louis City and doing so in a way that protects the people who live in these communities, preserves these neighborhoods architectural and cultural resources, and provides economic opportunities to the workers and businesses in these areas.
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