We teach our kids to follow the rules. Jeff Roe must not have picked up on this idea.
Jeff Roe’s blog, the Source, “leaked” the names of folks who applied for the Supreme Court. He knows it violated Missouri Supreme Court rules because Roe refuses to identify “VERY RELIABLE SOURCE.” To make it even more embarrassing, he has reduce the highest court in Missouri to a sweet 16 bracket and encouraged betting on the outcome – complete with a $50 prize. Is this what we want our state to look like? Is this what the lawyer/Republican politicians who employ Jeff Roe envision for our state? Read more…
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1 Ani Mouse // Jul 26, 2007 at 9:45 am
Even more embarassing for Roe is that his initial announcement of who made the final panel for the Supreme Court nominees was WRONG. If you are going to break the rules and try to scoop the offical announcment, at least get it right.
2 Randy Turner // Jul 26, 2007 at 3:09 pm
I can’t believe I am defending Jeff Roe, but as an old reporter, I considered my job to be to get the information to the people, no matter where it came from. While I have no idea what Roe’s motives are, giving readers an opportunity to see the caliber of the people who applied for the Supreme Court vacancy seems to me to be a worthwhile reason to run the list. I have nothing good to say, however, about his judge pool.
3 Old Reporter // Jul 30, 2007 at 7:42 am
I can’t believe an old reporter would write, ‘While I have no idea what Roe’s motives are …’
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