The liberal blogoshere is often called “knee jerk” by its conservative critics. In a political climate where labels are bandied about with reckless abandon, buzz words soon become cliches, which gradually lose their powers of persuasion. Thus, one must provide examples to be deemed credible. Well, we have one for you.
In a post yesterday, we chided the anonymous blogger who writes the blog Watching Those We Chose, for a post they wrote on anonymous sources. We just thought that it was a bit duplicitous (and confusing) for an anonymous blogger to write on such a subject. Try and decipher Corpus’ tortured reasoning on why they don’t consider themselves anonymous:
What????? I guess one can be kind of pregnant too, huh? If Mr. or Mrs. Juris would have done a little research on our blog – and not been so knee jerk – they would have discovered that the Missouri Political News Service staunchly defends a bloggers’ right to blog anonymously. Read further how Corpus further misses the boat:
“Sometime around 1984 the world changed. Once upon a time, not too long ago when newspapers announced the “news,” that is what people thought was the “news”.
“Of course, Dave Helling and “Scooter” Jackson want to compel bloggers to identify themselves. If they are successful many good and powerful voices will never blog again. That is just what people like Dave and “Scooter” want. They want to tell us what to think. They don’t want us to think differently. They want to go back to the bad old days.”
For the record Mr. Juris, I was born in 1984, so can’t say I remember those ” bad old days” you speak of. And second, I’m heading to law school in the fall, so you’re sorta wrong on that “boss” thing too. And to conclude, do a Google search on Scooter Jackson and you’ll see I’m not anonymous. You can see my cute mug here.
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