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Bond Calls for Release of Final CIA 911 Report | Missouri Political News Service

Bond Calls for Release of Final CIA 911 Report

May 18th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

kitSen. Kit Bond is further demonstrating his new found independence from President Bush. Yesterday, Bond joined a growing chorus of Republican Senators calling for the resignation of embattled and incompetent Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez.

Today, the AP is reporting that the Senator has joined a group of “bi-partisan” Senators calling for legislation to force the CIA Inspector General to release the final 911 report.

“We have no desire to embarrass or throw cold water on the enthusiasm of the great men and women of the CIA, but let’s just take a clear and open look at what the IG found and see if we have all of those problems corrected,” said Bond in the AP piece.

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Tags: Senator. Kit Bond

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