Loudon releases apology letter. Hat tip: Politics Blog
My dear colleagues:
It has come to my attention that some members are particularly upset by my midwifery language that passed last week. Please know this: knowing that I had a majority to pass the bill in both chambers, my goal was only to get past the couple of people filibustering my bill. The bill (SB303) had already passed in the Senate for perfection. My intention was never to harm any of my Republican colleagues in any way.
I was clear from the beginning of session that it was my intention to pass the provisions of this bill. This is deeply personal to me, as I could have lost my wife and baby to the prohibition of the very practice of midwifery. This is in no way an affront to physicians. I was a strong supporter of tort reform. My wife has delivered all of our children through an OB, in a hospital. But the parental care and advice she was given by a would-be midwife prenataly arguably saved her from a 4th miscarriage last year, and without being too dramatic or divulgent, perhaps her life.
I obviously have little else to gain in this fight, other than the assurance of knowing that other women will also have the freedom to seek advice that might save their lives or their babies, too. This is a freedom issue for me.
I ask you, had I used this strategy to end abortion, would you feel the same?
Having said that, please know that I have been willing and able to entertain compromise language on this bill if the OB’s were willing to “sit down” with me. They refused.
Let me assure any medical organization that this was an independent move used frequently in our state to overcome a filibustering member. Neither the handler nor the doctors in the House had any part in this.
The bill sat out there for almost 20 hours for the lobbyists and other analysts to scrutinize. I would have been imprudent to have announced my intentions to opponents of the issue. Since I did not, I see now that I did hurt some of my friends and colleagues in House and Senate. Although this was never my intention, I am deeply sorry for this.
As I write this letter, I again have a call into the lobbyist for the OB’s, requesting a compromise meeting to move forward on SB 303, and to fix this for everyone. My call has yet to be returned. This is regrettable, as we could all vote on this bill if the other side was willing to talk.
Again, my sincere apologies to any “innocent bystanders hit in the line of fire.” I will gladly defend you if need be.
John Loudon
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