From this week’s GOP Voice:
“There has been a disturbing trend shared with us by dozens of conservative Missourians via telephone and email describing a situation in which their letters to newspapers across this state are NOT getting published. It is becoming increasingly evident that liberal editorial page writers are being given more and more say in news copy, but when the voices of Missouri citizens are silenced because they disagree with Democrat dogma it amounts to little more than blatant media censorship.
While letters directly attacking Republican policies have been appearing frequently in newspapers, Missouri conservatives are fed excuses as to why their letters are nowhere to be found. The giant liberal media wastebasket is full of letters from conservative Missourians. We certainly appreciate all the phone calls and emails to our office from conservative letter writers seriously concerned about this censorship. Conservatives deserve to have their voices heard, and we encourage letter writers to demand answers from editorial pages across this state about the current state of affairs. Conservative voices will be heard, and the battle has just begun.”
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