"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Trouble in Paradise? At Least Unions Are Still on Board With Nixon | Missouri Political News Service

Trouble in Paradise? At Least Unions Are Still on Board With Nixon

November 30th, 2010 by mopns · No Comments

KC Star: (11/6/10)

Democrats are steaming mad that, in their view, Gov. Jay Nixon, sat it out this election season. On election night, he opted to lounge at home rather than stand with fallen party members…And, they point out, Nixon plunged into 2012 re-election mode with a KC fundraising planning meeting on Oct. 25 while other 2010 Democratic candidates were still scrambling for dough. The upshot: Democrats who helped Nixon two years ago are saying they may hesitate in 2012.

Over the course of two weeks, unions have given over $150,000 to Governor Jay Nixon for supporting their liberal agenda. $100,000 of that came from the United Auto Workers, an apparent thank you for Nixon’s attempt to keep Ford’s Claycomo plant in Kansas City by calling a special session to pass a bill filled with incentives for Ford.

In addition, the Plumbers and Pipefitters union gave Nixon $25,000 and Ironworkers gave him $25,000, ostensibly for his support of a new nuclear plant built using union workers.

No wonder Nixon’s enemies call hin “No Way Jay” while his friends call him “Pay to Play Jay.”




Tags: Jay Nixon

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 jim baldwin // Nov 30, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    I helped Nixon win the Tea Partys KC BeeHive
    District H.D. 35 . It was a total waste of a small Democrats time .
    Thanks, candidate 2008-2010

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