"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Quote of the Day: Cleaver: Americans Are Not Smarter Than a Sixth Grader! | Missouri Political News Service

Quote of the Day: Cleaver: Americans Are NOT Smarter Than a Sixth Grader!

May 11th, 2010 by MarkTwain · No Comments

Quote machine Emanuel Cleaver is at it again. What a doofus!

“Americans are growing skeptical about the threat of global warming because “they don’t get” the complex information that scientists deliver, according to Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.).

Unless scientists can simplify their arguments to the level of newspapers that “print at the sixth grade level,” Cleaver said, the public is “going to get a headache and bail out.” Read more…

At least in these memorable quotes from the hapless congressman, he didn’t call us stupid!

After a Congressional Black Caucus trip to Cuba: “If there is repression in Cuba we didn’t see it.”

The surge in Afghanistan: “Did you know that President Obama is more popular than Jesus Christ? I didn’t like this bill, but I voted for it. It’s hard to stand up to such a popular president.”

This beauty came after the $787 billion “stimulus” vote: “The people we represent can feel comfortable with what we have included in this package. Regardless of party, we all cast our votes with one hand and crossed our fingers with the other.”


Cong. Cleaver: “Poor People Too Irresponsible to Exercise Their 2nd Amendment Right”



Tags: Picture/Quote of the Day · Rep. Emanuel Cleaver

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 stlouisgal // May 11, 2010 at 11:02 am


    The intellectual levels of our politicians are shameful. And he has the AUDACITY to tell us we are too dumb to understand policy?? Please, go away Cleaver. I understand EXACTLY what this administration is trying to push through.

  • 2 Matthew // May 13, 2010 at 10:45 am

    Mr. Cleaver doesn’t seem to exercise much caution in making generalizations against his fellow Americans. I’d also like to know what makes him such an “expert” in the field of scientific reasons for a human-polluted catastrophe. Maybe amongst his thousand book library on the philosophy of mud-slinging politics, he’s got a truck-load of texts on the phenomenon of planetary disaster.

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