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Planned Parenthood Applauds McCaskill for Making Birth Control “Affordable” for College Students | Missouri Political News Service

Planned Parenthood Applauds McCaskill for Making Birth Control “Affordable” for College Students

November 14th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

According to our freshman Senator Claire McCaskill, presidential candidate Barak Obama, and Planned Parenthood, there is an “affordable birth control crisis” on our nation’s campuses. McCaskill and Obama have co-sponsored a bill, first introduced in the House, called The Prevention Through Affordable Access Act.

“Everyone wants to bring down the number of unintended pregnancies in this country. Part of the way we achieve that goal is to continue providing affordable contraceptives to low-income women and college students,” Senator McCaskill said. “I applaud the drug companies for being willing to do the right thing by providing contraception at reduced prices. Now Congress needs to let them do so.”

McCaskill was dis-invited to speak at her daughter’s High school commencement last spring due to her stances on abortion and stem cell research.

According to this Planned Parenthood press release, “college women returned to campus to discover that the birth control that previously cost them $5–10 for a monthly supply now cost $40–50.”

Oh my God, now instead of being able to stay an extra day in Florida during spring break or have that additional drink during the weekend, young women will have to spend that money on birth control. Aren’t most kids who go to college doing it because their ambitious and want to have a bright future? We really doubt that young women are willing to risk their futures by an unplanned pregnancy, simply because contraceptives went up a few dollars at the university clinic.



Tags: Abortion · Senator McCaskill

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