Senate Minority Leader Maida Coleman has quietely appointed Michael Ocello, 46, to the Small Business Regulatory Fairness Board. The Senate Minority Leader gets to make an appointment.
Ocello should know a thing or two about business regulation, he runs a national chain of strip clubs and is the president of the Association of Club Executives (ACE), a professional association of strip club owners and operators. He is a former stripper himself, who once gained notoriety for his “Buns For Guns” gun-control campaign in which patrons were offered free lap dances in exchange for their handguns. Nobody accepted his offer; however, these days Ocello prefers to be known as a family man.
Mr. Ocello is not your ordinary sleazeball exploiting young women to make a fast buck, he “trains his ladies in current affairs, dress, and wine tasting.” His work has even been cited in scholarly research. In a Woodhull Foundation paper titled The Erotic Economy, Ocello provides us with this insight into his chosen profession:
“You need a minimum of $2-3 million to even open a decent club,” explains VCG holding company president Michael Ocello whose company owns almost 20 clubs worldwide. He trains ladies in current affairs, dress and wine tasting to boost his profit margins as well as the woman’s earning potential. “A lady from a rural community and limited background can come to work for me and someday leave our establishments with some sophistication and networking under her garter. It isn’t a negative exchange, that’s for sure.” Indeed. After speaking with ladies who work for Ocello, they rave. “Working for this company has helped me both personally and professionally,” claims Gina.
During the Fred Ferrell matter a few weeks ago, Leader Coleman suggested Governor Blunt should seek sensitivity training: “ I think [sensitivity training], is needed all the way around, and I am very concerned that the behavior that this man [Ferrell] showed was not dealt with in a better manner,” Coleman said. She also accused the Governnor of “not reach[ing] out to women in this state.”
Is appointing Ocello your idea of reaching out to women of this state Ms. Leader?
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